In Solidarity and Love, We Stand Together Against Hate

Arizona Faith Network stands in solidarity with the Islamic Community Center of Tempe (Mosque), the Arizona Council of Imams, our Muslim brothers and sisters and all people who promote interreligious harmony in condemning the vile acts perpetrated against the Mosque. On March 4, two women trespassed with three children into the mosque and proceeded to vandalize property. They videoed themselves and the children while destroying property, and they encouraged the children to use racist, Islamophobic language. They then applauded the children for their actions. We applaud Tempe Police for taking action in arresting the perpetrators on charges of felony third degree burglary.

Burglary? Yes, and rightfully so. Yet this type of behavior has much deeper ethical, spiritual and generational ramifications. We are especially appalled by the exposure of children to these contemptible acts, which is inexcusable. We pray that the effects of such hate-mongering by these two adults will not take form in the minds of these children and that they will learn to love despite what they have seen. We call for an end to the divisiveness, hatred and ignorance that such acts represent. We pray that the consequences these women face will teach them the error of their ways. We pray that justice will be swift and restorative, teaching them to “love thy neighbor” and persuading them and others to prevent such acts in the future.

As people of faith uniting to create positive change for the common good, AFN sees no place for hatred, division or criminal acts against any human being, especially not based on race, ethnicity, age, religious affiliation, ability, sexual orientation, natural origin or other protected status.

Every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and with respect for their right to worship as they choose. We call on people of faith across this great state to pray, search their sacred writings and speak up for divine love, righteousness and humane treatment of all people.

Jannah Scott, Interim Executive Director
Arizona Faith Network

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions. Proverbs 10:12
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Join together for Love and Coffee this Saturday, March 17 @ 10:30 AM in support of healing for the community. Tempe Interfaith Fellowship members and other supporters will gather with our friends at the Islamic Community Center of Tempe, 131 E 6th St. Tempe.

The links below show you the Love and Coffee event and an article about the vandalism.

[click here for a PDF version of this statement]

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