Social Justice Commission Supports Healthcare Initiative

A Statement Endorsed by AFN's Social Justice Commission:

As a network of faith leaders, one of our core beliefs is in the power of collaborative social action to create real and positive change for our communities. The Stop Surprise Billing and Protect Patients Act is a prime example of how this can be achieved, as healthcare workers, patients, and community members in Arizona have rallied together to fix some of our state’s key healthcare issues. Our collective faiths speak in a unified voice about the need to care for one another, and especially to care for those among us who are neglected, forgotten, or otherwise disadvantaged. As people of faith, we must ensure that no one goes without access to crucial medical assistance due to a pre-existing condition, or risks losing everything because of a surprise out-of-network bill. We are proud to stand with the organizers and allies working to create a safer, healthier Arizona through this ballot initiative.